The town of Wuppental sits astride Lake Wuppental, a vast, brackish, cold expanse not known for it’s beauty, but for the number of lives it’s claimed.
Lonigbruk is a town of note in southern Wurten that takes advantage of the countryside’s many lakes and streams. The fishermen of Lonigbruk are a tough people, eking out a meager living in the cold waters of Wurten.
Wurten’s horses and fish have provided it with it’s biggest export, fertilizer. “Wurten prospers on two things”, the saying goes, “fish heads and horse sh*t.” As a consequence, Wurten’s people have often been accused of smelling too much like their product.
Olfactory jabs aside, Wilhelm, 12th Earl of Wurten, is much respected around Unkerlant as a just ruler. Although age and gout now keeps him from horseback, he is still considered one of the best cavalry commanders in Unkerlant.
Wurteners make passable soldiers, but better cavalrymen. You want them on your side, as long as they’re down wind.

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