Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hunt for the Devil's Crown

The Devil’s Crown is a campaign for Fistful of Lead: Tales of Horror. The campaign is a series of 6 linked scenarios to be played in order. The outcome of each scenario has a direct effect on the next game. The player with the most Renown at the end of the campaign wins, and possesses the dark power of the crown.
The scenario book also has rules for a new faction: Gypsies! Sometimes against, sometimes with the Forces of Darkness.
And a printable catacomb for use with scenario book.

Find it here!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Wiley Wargames Weekend - the Download

I think I can say, based on the number of times I was asked "You're doing this again next year, right?" that WWW was a success. We had folks from Colorado, Nebraska and of course, my Game Masters from California and Minnesota. The venue was great, if a little dark in places, which can easily be remedied, and our hosts were gracious and kept the beer flowing.

Friday night, Thomas Foss of Skull and Crown Strategems ran his venerable "Starship!" game with his lovely handcrafted ships. Judging by the roars, it went well. (I was busy running my game).

 I was running my FfoL: Tales of Horror game. Two games the werewolves destroyed everyone. The final game, the Vamps had their revenge.

 The Bucknaked Baron is loose!

 Chris "CluckAmok" Cluckey ran his 54mm French & Indian War game with FfoL: Horse & Musket.

Shameless marketing

Mr Foss returned the next morning to run his Breaking Lances Tournament. This was a great addition. Players could play a few rounds between games.

Friday winding down.
Other Jay and Greg had a 15mm Modern Africa game using Gruntz, with vastly different outcomes both games.

 Jon ran a Fistful of Lead Moderns game in downtown Bahdistan.

Star Wars was well represented by a FfoL: Galactic Heroes game. Thanks to Basement General Steve for that one.

 We finished late Saturday night and all went upstairs for drinks to celebrate my 50th birthday! Can't say enough how much I appreciate my game masters for putting on really quality games.
Meanwhile, across thee pond....
Fistful of Lead and Wiley Games was well represented at BLAm thanks to Malamute, Bullshot, Dr De'Ath and Gamer Mac.
 The good doctor's Tales of Horror game.
 Gamer Mac's Galactic Heroes game
Malamute's 40mm Pennisular Horse & Musket game.
Bullshot's underwater game using GH.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fistful of Lead: Galactic Heroes- Star Wars

We a great playtest of our Star Wars FfoL Galactic Heroes game for Wiley Wargame Weekend. A group of underworld types were holding a Rebel leader, ready to sell to the highest bidder.
Hive of scum and villainy

 Some locals

 Darth and his personal guard. Read up on these guys.
 Close up of the great cards done by Steve

 Pour out your beers for General Veers. First one to go down.
This boy almost got loose!
Great game. Tons of "Pew, pew, pews!" Luke captured the Rebel leader after some negotiation, but didn't play a part in the game very much. Darth is getting an upgrade as he should. IG-88 was a killing machine! Took out 5 Imperials including the Dark Lord of the Sith himself.

Monday, October 7, 2019

A couple of weeks out, and thought I'd give a update for Wiley Wargame Weekend.
Friday night the 18th the space isn't officially open until 4pm. I'm looking into getting in early to set up. I have tables and chairs ordered I have to pick up, unload and set up, hopefully around noon or so. Any volunteers are appreciated. I'm looking at getting game masters in at 3 for their setups.
Saturday the 19th we can't officially start till noon, but I'm trying to get an earlier setup time for games not running Friday. At some point Saturday evening the birthday festivities will also begin.
Speaking of games, we're going to keep this very informal. No time blocks or start times other than when each game has enough people to start. Right now we 8 games, each with 6-8 openings, so more than enough for everyone.
We'll have dinner delivered both nights. Pizza Friday, BBQ Saturday and during the the day snacks, water and soft drinks. And, of course, our generous hosts at 3 Trails Brewing will have a wonderful selection of beers upstairs for purchase.
This is gonna be fun!