Friday, November 22, 2024


 Kansas City has a very large wargaming community spread out across the metro area, and since the demise of RECRUITs it's been tough to get the band back together. We have run March to Victory the last 3 years in attempt to provide locals with quality gaming. I was glad to see we weren't alone with the start of TaKtiCon (see how the KC is capitalized? Huh? huuuuhhh?), a new wargaming convention. It was a pleasure to be part of their inaugural event.

I ran several games of our new game Glorious Adventures in the Age of Steam. Available from Wiley Games here.

The Germans were trying to break the Anglo-French lines at an abandoned village with teh help of the nefarious Professor Nightshade.

British Naval troops chugged to the center of town and start blasting away.

The brave Unicycle Uhlans charge forward into a hail of bullets.

The Grenadiers stand up to the nightmarish contraptions of Nightshade.

A group of French Marines hold the center.

A great time and a good start to hopefully a long standing convention

Monday, October 21, 2024

Grandpa Gruesome's Weird War Stories

 It's that time of year again! The veil between the living and dead is at it's thinnest. Time for the World Revenent Hunting Social Club to meet once again and clear the ruins of Old Baronburg of the pesky living Dead.

As usual, we used Fistful of Lead, with the Tales of Horror Supplement for all the horrific extras.

The Hunters gather at the center of town.

The more bold hunters move quickly to "shut down" the zombie spawn points while the other are too busy taking trophies and causing far too much noise.

All the commotion has awoken a banshee. Her mournful howl puts shock on all the hunters in the area.

As almost always happens, poor coordination between hunter faction allowed the dead to accumulate into large groups and overpower isolated hunters. About half escaped before the sun rise. A great game as always.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Battles and Brews 2024


This year was the THIRD annual Battles and Brews held at our local brewery. Attendance was down a little due to it being summer and lots of folks were on vacation.

But that didn't mean the quality of the games was down. We had a Fistful of Lead Tales of Horror London game. The Vampires had to protect their coffins while 6 teams of players went about their own missions. The werewolves took a beating while the werewolf hunters scored the highest Renown points. 

We had a WW2 bombing raid game based loosely based on Starfighers!

Battlesuit Alpha was represented with mechs vs giant Aliens.

There was a Fire and Fury game as well as Warmaster.

Actung Panzers and Masters of the Universe using Galactic Heroes.

Finally, I ran a Victorian SciFi game using the upcoming Wiley Games title.

All great games, and I got to meet some new gamers. We'll be hosting Weird Wars in October. See you there.