Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 There are several reasons why I love Fistful of Lead: Starfighters! and not just because I'm the author.

In a world where so many games are tied to a miniatures line, this one is not. Starfighters! origin story begins with huge sale of X-Wing miniatures at my local 1/2 Price Bookstore. They were dirt cheap because they were "first edition" and no longer compatible with the newest version of the rules, even though the miniatures WERE EXACTLY THE SAME!

 So I made a rules set where you could use anything you can find: old toys, plastic game pieces, 3D printed miniatures, and yes, defunct X-Wing miniatures. A very easy build template allows you to design the ships  the way you think they should be.

The next reason I love them builds on that ship creation system: Versatility. Our Facebook Group has made mods and pre-built Battlestar Galactica ships and other SciFi genres as well as a WW1 mod called Dogfighters! and my own Pulpfighters! for use with my embarrassing large Crimson Skies collection. It has spawned racing games and even yes, naval games.

Starfighters! has allowed me to get a bunch of old plastic and lead out of the pile and into the light all while making "pew, pew" like a little kid.

Starfighters! is available here.

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