Wednesday, July 15, 2009

An engagement of some import

Gentlemen of the Realm,
Battle has been offered and excepted in the town of Salzenmund, Salacia bewteen the forces of Borogravia and Volborg. The principles involved will agree upon a time and date for this engagement. Initial scouting will give the choice of battefields to Prince Ruprect. At the time of battle, placement of forces will be decided by chance.
Outside observers are welcome, and a strict record of the following hostilities will be made for posterity.
I remain your humble Servant,
Baron Von J
Aide to Our Departed King, Karl Franz III


Prinz Geoffrey said...

I hope the battle is costly to all participants and victory to Borogravia.

BaronVonJ said...

Obviously a Borogravian spy. We must tighten the borders.

Fitz-Badger said...

We shall await the report with bated breath...

J Womack, Esq. said...

Down with Prinz Geoffrey! Hurrah for Salzenmund! Death to the Borogravians!