Friday, October 8, 2021

Fistful of Lead Fantasy

 So happy after a year and a half of work to finally be done with the Fistful of Lead Fantasy series. I put everything into these books and cards and I think it may be our best yet.

Like Horse & Musket 2nd Edition, these are full color softbacks. We, of course have pdfs available for folks abroad who can't afford the outrageous shipping.

Getting these books out is like putting your child out into the world for the first time. Will people like them? Will people be mean to them? We've had several games on our YouTube channel so people can see how the game is played, but you'll find it's the same game you know and love expanded into a wider fantasy setting.

We've also got some great cards. Two different themed decks.

So stop on over to the store and check them out HERE.


Jim Jackaman said...

Well done!

They look amazing!

Hendrid said...

Looking Good. Art work on the cards is very eye catching. Nice.