Thursday, January 30, 2025

Fantasy Gladiators


As some of you may know we released Arena of Blood last year and it turned out to be more versatile than I hoped. After a few historical tournaments, I started running The Great Goblin Games. An Olympic style day of different games between the goblin tribes to decide who would be the best tribe and making their chief the Great Goblin.

 There was a Wolf Chariot race, a joust, Squig Tickling, a Doom Diver distance contest and finally a gladiatorial match. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I simply matched existing Gladiator types to fantasy creatures. A heavily armored Murmillo makes an excellent ogre type, while a bow Sagitarius makes a nice Elf Bowman. Simple.

 I soon realized this worked across other genres. I could easily run a John Carter type match on Mars or stage fights between Gamorrians for the enjoyments of the Hutts. And post Apocalyptic matches are perfect!

If you're interested in the rules, the pdf is cheap, and you can check out our YouTube videos on how the game works.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Fistful of Lead Fantasy!

The Wiley Games Fistful of Lead: Fantasy books are the most underrated and underused titles we have. 

“Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of.”

A lot of games out there force you into specific builds like Wizard, Apprentice and Henchmen, or factions. Fistful of Lead Fantasy lets you build your Retinue the way you want. Want the classic Barbarian, Wizard, Cleric Thief group? You got it. Want an all monster group, or thieves or undead? These rules are for you.

Check out these valuable resources that provide glorious additions to scenarios across ALL your favorite genres.
• 30 weapons including mace, flail, Warhammer, two-handed
weapons and crossbows.
• A chivalric campaign with 10 scenarios
• Mounts and 8 traits!!!
• Chivalric Quests
       Chivalric Actions with renown bonuses
• 12 Relics, plus mythical items
• 16 Premade Creatures and 15 Premade Mundane Characters…
    ... and that's just in Book I.

• 81 Spells and spellcasting rules (great for superheroes)
• 8 Summoned Creatures
• Chart for Spells, Scrolls and Potions
• 80 Magical Treasures (worth the money right here)!!
• Chart of Bad Things

Plus, 8 Magical Scenarios…

• 11 Classes to create a crew of your own design
• 4 Races
• Traps and Treasures
• Rules for Dungeon Exploration
• Monsters!!! - 139 Monsters with 7 Categories and 20 Traits

 Custom Cards in either BRUTAL or CLASSIC asthetic, and acrylic markers with ARROWS take your table to that next level. 

The Dungeon Deck is a hidden treasure in our catalog. Yes, it's makes dungeon building quick, easy and actually FUN. But, what about...

Drains & Vents (pulp, modern, sci-fi)
Mazes & Temples (pulp, gothic horror)
Prisons & Hospitals (modern, zombies, sci-fi)
Mines & Other Tunnels (sci-fi, western, modern)
Subways & City Tunnels (modern, future, apocalypse, zombies)
Spaceship passages (Space Hulk)
Make a labyrinth of your choosing and be playing in minutes!!!

As you can see, I'm pretty fired up about these rules, and you should too!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Modern Imagi-Nations


Working on some more modern games for Fistful of Lead, but I wanted to be more in line with Imagi-Nations. What's Imagi-Nations?

It's using historical troops in a fictional setting. It really started with wargamers using early 18th century troops in made up campaigns taking place in small fictional (usually Germanic) countries. Players could use their painted armies and fight other opponents regardless of whether those armies fought in "real life". My own campaign in Unkerlant was a blast to come up with and play.

It's since spread to other periods like Napoleonics and Medieval, but I've always been fascinated with the Inter War period. So why not do it?

I'm not tied to historical OOBs and there's no one to tell me "that's not the right Feldgrau color".

For one of my factions, the Northern Conclave, I wanted a German-ish feel but not use German Army minis. These Finns from Kyoushuneko Miniatures I printed worked great. There are so many Inter War vehicle minis out there, I can't wait to bring in some weird armor.

I can start with just a handful of minis a side with Fistful of Lead Core and build to larger and larger Bigger Battles game.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Using Airships! for naval battles.


Anybody that knows me knows I don't like naval games. Little terrain if any, unfun to paint minis and tactics are generally "line up and blaze away."

But designing Airships! for Glorious Adventures in the Age of Steam got me thinking people could use the same rules for water based fleets. So I dug out my favorite Dark Elves from Man-O-War and some Dystopian Wars ships (the original line, the new ones suck) and started thinking.

In Airships! there are altitude mechanics so airships can bomb and attack ground based targets so just use naval ships as being at ground level altitude. All the other traits and gun battery sizes should work the same.

For my Man-O-War ships (in this case dragons) I gave them d12s for Close Quarters dice to represent the sea serpents attacking the enemy ship and crew, and a light battery to represent their fiery breath. Easy enough to figure out the other fantasy fleets. Dwarves would have heavier armor. Their submersibles could used by adding another altitude "underwater". Underwater vessels can attack other vessel underwater but must be at the surface to use torpedoes or other weapons.

 Coming up with some of Orcy and Skaven weapons will be fun.

Wind rules (blech) for sailing ships will have to be added, but luckily Man-O-War has a nice simple system, with a Joker being a nice trigger for wind change.

I'm excited to give both these fleets a try.

Thursday, December 19, 2024


Each year we gather round the old Snowbrawl tree for another Snowbrawl tournament. What's Snowbrawl you say?

It's a snowball fight mixed with dodgeball, based on the massive neighborhood snowball fights of our youth.

This game can be played with any miniatures you have, and for the most part use the standard Fistful of Lead Core rules. You can have fights between evil snowmen and elves, Vikings and trolls, anything you can think of! The game can be played with 2, 3 or 4 players. Four player games can by 2 versus 2 or 4 way brawls.

For the holidays Wiley Games is making Snowbrawl absolutely free so you can make it a holiday tradition.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Wiley Wargame Weekeend

 Last weekend was was our annual Wiley Wargame Weekend. We had a about a dozen people and played several games over the course of the day even with a mid afternnon taco/burrito break.

First off was a group favorite: Flower of Chivalry. Although over the last couple of decades I've modified it enough it's kinda it's own game now. Everyone just calls it Battlelust now even though that name is already taken.

This was a 4v4 affair. As usual, it looked pretty one sided until it wasn't. It ended up being a tie.

Moving along chronologically through our games, NotJay ran a game of What a Tanker. Again it started one sided and quickly swung over into an Allied victory. My Stug was the only survivor and quickly beat it.

Our final game was Battelsuit Alpha but with a twist. It was mech vs Bioengineered titans using the old VOR miniatures. Fun game, but I was busy cleaning up and didn't get proper pictures. Joel promised to run it aggain so I can get pics.

Sunday my son came over to video an Airships! battle from our latest rule book Glorious Adventures in the Age of Steam. I'll be posting that next.

Friday, November 22, 2024


 Kansas City has a very large wargaming community spread out across the metro area, and since the demise of RECRUITs it's been tough to get the band back together. We have run March to Victory the last 3 years in attempt to provide locals with quality gaming. I was glad to see we weren't alone with the start of TaKtiCon (see how the KC is capitalized? Huh? huuuuhhh?), a new wargaming convention. It was a pleasure to be part of their inaugural event.

I ran several games of our new game Glorious Adventures in the Age of Steam. Available from Wiley Games here.

The Germans were trying to break the Anglo-French lines at an abandoned village with teh help of the nefarious Professor Nightshade.

British Naval troops chugged to the center of town and start blasting away.

The brave Unicycle Uhlans charge forward into a hail of bullets.

The Grenadiers stand up to the nightmarish contraptions of Nightshade.

A group of French Marines hold the center.

A great time and a good start to hopefully a long standing convention