Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In Memoriam: MIss Maisy

Our dog, our family member, our friend, Maisy lost her all too brief struggle with cancer. The vet gave her 3 months, almost 8 months ago. She gave it her best until the end.
We knew we had the right dog when we brought home this German Shepherd- Doberman mix at age one, and she passed the ear and tail pull test, with our then very young kids.
She has been a watch dog, with her loud, deep bark keeping away would be burglars and salesmen alike.
A protector, once stepping out into the street to stop a car before it hit my son, who wasn't paying attention.
An unofficial mascot of the Basement Generals, snagging treats and getting pets from all the boys.
And, most of all, a loving companion. Eight years was not enough. You were taken from us too early, and if you're not waiting on the Other Side, then there is no God.
Maisy. The best dog I ever had.


  1. Jaye,

    You have my sincere condolences . . . I too have had some wonderful dogs who were loving members of the family.

    If one wants to know "unconditional love", one only has to have a dog like Miss Maisy.

    -- Jeff

  2. Jaye,

    You have my deepest condolences.

    The loss of a beloved friend whether on two legs or four is never easy. I've goodbye to far too many furry pals in my days and it never gets easier.

    She was lucky to have such a loving and caring owner such as yourself and I have no doubt that you'll see her tail wag for you in greeting on the other side.


  3. Baron,

    I've had to lose three dogs in my life, and you and your family have my very sincere condolences on your loss. I know our companions are waiting for us, given how much love they've shown us through the years.

    Kipling's "The Power Of The Dog" always chokes me up when I read these posts.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very sorry to hear that. I was very heartened to hear how your dog saved your son. What a noble creature.

  6. Jaye. I was so sorry to hear about Maisy. I don't know if you know, but I lost a dog, Ellie, before we got Dalton. It was one of the hardest things ever, and I swore to never have another dog. I'm so glad we gave it a chance, though. Our time with them is never long enough, and you and your family are in my thoughts.


  7. Sorry to hear of the sad news. I know how close a family dog can be and how hard it is to see them go.

